Volunteer to quilt for kids and families in need
Often, when natural disasters strike or war drives families from their homes, our hearts ache with compassion but we don’t know how to help. If you’ve wondered how to volunteer to quilt for charity, look no further. Making Lutheran World Relief Mission Quilts is a tangible way to express love to our neighbors in need. Quilts can be used as warm bedding, simple tents or floor coverings. Each one reflects God's loving presence in a world rife with suffering.
LWR Mission Quilts connect hands and hearts around the world
LWR Mission Quilts create a tangible, lasting bond between the people who lovingly assemble them, and our neighbors around the world, who receive quilts in their greatest times of need.
We give thanks to the countless men, women, and youth who assemble LWR Mission Quilts every year.
Join our mission
Experienced quilters mentor church youth in quilting
St. Luke Ministries in Chicago, Illinois, brings together quilters across the age spectrum to make LWR Mission Quilts to share with people in need around the world.
The intergenerational effort started around 2000, and matches up middle schoolers with experienced quilters to teach them how to make LWR Quilts. Over time, the students gain enough experience and confidence to make the quilts on their own.
Being part of such a meaningful service project is very moving for the youth involved. “This was the first time I did something with my hands that would help people. I know other people will be using it to keep warm,” says 13-year-old quilter Giselle Escamilla.

Ensure LWR Quilts & Kits reach those most in need
Your gifts to the Quilt & Kit Shipping Fund ensure LWR Mission Quilts reach people coping with poverty, disaster, conflict and more.
- $28 delivers 10 LWR Mission Quilts where needed most
- $105 delivers 70 Personal Care Kits to individuals displaced by disaster
- $500 honors a special person with an engraved brick at LWR headquarters