When you make LWR Quilts and Kits, you join countless others across the country who reach out to people in need around the world through this ministry.

LWR spends around $1.9 million to operate this program, distributing about $18 million worth of quilts and kits each year.
Those funds, combined with the generosity of donors, ensure LWR has the resources needed to move these items around the world. You can help!
You can also encourage your congregation to support your quilt or kit ministry by donating to LWR's Quilt & Kit Shipping Fund to ensure that LWR can continue working with partners around the world to deliver your gifts.

LWR’s Approximate Cost to Deliver Quilts and Kits Overseas:
One Mission Quilt $2.80
One School Kit $2.85
One Personal Care Kit $1.50*
One Baby Care Kit $3.10
One Fabric Kit $1.80
*No longer includes the cost of toothpaste

Good Samaritan Quilt Plaza
Gifts to the Quilt & Kit Shipping Fund of $500 or more may be commemorated with an engraved brick on the Good Samaritan Quilt Plaza at LWR Headquarters in Baltimore. The engraved and colorful bricks make a pattern called “Many Trips Around the World” and represent the distribution of millions of quilts and kits to our neighbors around the world.
A great way to honor someone is to sponsor a brick in his or her name.
- Honor your church’s quilting ministry or a faithful leader in your congregation.
- Memorialize a longtime quilter or other special person.
- Commemorate a special event such as a birth, marriage or anniversary.
To order a brick on the Good Samaritan Quilt Plaza, please download and complete the form below, and mail along with your check for $500 or more to:
Good Samaritan Quilt Plaza
Lutheran World Relief
PO Box 17061
Baltimore, MD 21297-1061
Good Samaritan Quilt Plaza Brick Order Form
Send the filled-out form and a check made out to “Lutheran World Relief” with “Quilt Plaza” in the memo line, to:
Lutheran World Relief
PO Box 17061
Baltimore, MD 21297-1061
Download Now Sep 24, 2018