Tanzania Country Overview

Country Overviews

Tanzania Country Overview

Lutheran World Relief (LWR) began its work in Tanzania in 1961 distributing food to a population suffering from a food crisis resulting from a combination of drought and floods. LWR continues to work in Tanzania with an emphasis on long-term food security and capacity strengthening of farmer organizations, linking partners and their members to financial institutions and other extension service providers. LWR's programs reach over 300,000 people and are implemented through farmer groups and faith-based organizations throughout the country, with a concentration in the Dodoma, Iringa, Mbeya, Kagera and Morogoro regions. In addition to a close relationship with the Ministry of Agriculture, LWR is a member of the public-private partnership Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) and our private sector collaborations are generating job opportunities for youth and strengthening the market for smallholder farmers.

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