Mali Country Overview

Country Overviews

Mali Country Overview

Lutheran World Relief began working in Mali in 1986 to address drought-related famine and continues to partner with rural communities to address the root causes of poverty and lay the groundwork for greater food and nutritional security. We center our current programming on resilient livelihoods by improving local agricultural production and promoting equitable access to resources to ensure rural families can withstand the new realities of climate change. In times of emergency, we work with its national, district-level and local partners to address immediate life-saving needs and longer-term recovery with interventions that build future resilience and sustainable livelihoods. We also bring the integrated expertise of our fellow Corus International organizations, including IMA World Health, to holistically address the interconnected challenges of poverty, health care access and climate change in Mali. We currently work in the Mopti, Ségou, and Sikasso regions of Mali and have local partners in Gao and Timbuktu. Learn more about our Mali programming in this country overview. 

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