We need your help to build School Kits
Whether you make one or a few Lutheran World Relief School Kits as a solo kit-maker, or make hundreds as part of a kit assembly with your congregation, each School Kit you make will be cherished by the person who receives it. Check out the School Kit Resources below and be sure to join our LWR Quilters and Kit-Makers Facebook group to learn, share and fellowship with others who are putting their faith into action making LWR School Kits.
What you'll need
Here are some items you will need for each kit.
View our detailed School Kit instructions:
Order printed resources online
LWR School Kit FAQs
Only scissors with rounded ends should be included. Please do not include scissors with pointed ends.
Please do not include a 64-pack of crayons, because we want to ensure equity at distributions.
No, please include only the four small notebooks requested, because we want to ensure equity at distributions.
Please do not include loose-leaf paper in LWR School Kits.
Glue should not be included in LWR School Kits.
Rulers must show centimeters; it is okay to also show inches, but it is not required.
Have Questions?
Need help with your project or want to coordinate organizing for a larger group? We're here to help.