Members of New Hope Lutheran Church in Columbia, Md., tie blankets for Lutheran World Relief

Tips & Tricks from the Quilt & Kit Survey

The Quilt & Kit Survey over the past several months has enabled us to get to know you, our quilters and kit-makers, better. One of our favorite things about the surveys has been reading through your clever ideas, stories, and tips related to your quilting and kit-making ministries. We want to share these ideas widely, so that everyone can learn about and apply them as they fit! As such, we’re adding a new regular feature to Faith in Action, sharing your tips and tricks. If you haven’t already, please visit the survey and invite all of your quilters and kit-makers to do the same — you might see your name in print!  Thank you!

– Melanie W. Gibbons, LWR’s Quilt & Kit Ministry Manager

“Include shipping costs in the church’s annual budget, or take a special offering to help defray shipping costs.” –  MONA M., NEBRASKA

“We order batting through Oklee Quilting Supply. We get 60 yards of 60 inches. We have done some Thrivent Action Teams to help fund our projects.” –  MARLENE H., MINNESOTA

“Each month we feature a different kit as a mission project for the month. We try to have an evening quilting session for those who work during the day.” –  NANCY M., ILLINOIS

“Rather than cutting squares from yard goods, recycle clothing and cut into strips to make tops.” NEOMA F., SOUTH DAKOTA (Neoma is 90 years old and makes more than 200 quilts every year!)

“We sew around quilts twice rather than zig zag. It’s is actually stronger and would last longer if a thread broke.” – LOIS H., WISCONSIN

“Give people a variety of tasks and times to get involved. We have bundles of 48 squares at church for people to take home and sew. The quilting day at church is the 3rd Tuesday. Quilting day at my home is every Friday. Community Quilt Day each year is on a Saturday so youth in school and folks who work can participate. I always have fabric to cut, squares to sort, squares to sew, twin sheets to iron, and edges to finish. There's something for everyone to do — even men!” – RUTH F., VIRGINIA

