Your love can save the lives of our hungriest neighbors. Will you share your compassion today? 

Our hungriest neighbors need your love NOW

  • Niki Clark
  • Jan 31, 2025

Can you imagine feeding your entire family on just one cup of rice? 

For 17-year-old Isha, this meager meal is shared with six family members, including her baby cousin, Mariatu. No meat. No fish. No vegetables. Just 2 tablespoons of plain rice to feed these growing children… 

…and that’s only because Isha works tirelessly to buy it for her family.  

Isha doesn’t start her day like most 17-year-old girls you know. She isn’t getting ready for school or planning outings with friends. There’s no morning cereal or treat from her favorite coffee shop. Instead, she begins her morning by begging an old friend for a tiny amount of money to buy food to feed her family.  


If he can’t help her, she heads into the bush to gather firewood to sell on the street.  

Isha works tirelessly all day only to provide a single cup of rice for her entire family to share. And that’s on the better days.

The pressure is all on Isha. Her father died when she was just nine years old, and her mother tragically passed away nine days later. Her grandmother, Kadiatu, cares for Isha and the family the best she can, but years of hard labor and being the sole provider have taken its toll. She can barely get up from her chair most days.  

Isha does her best to help but has very few options. “If God sends a guardian angel who will help me with some money,” Isha says, “I cook for my grandma.” 


tion: Despite her backbreaking work, Isha’s family still lives in dire conditions.

Isha and her family live in Kambia in Sierra Leone. Their country is currently facing a crippling hunger crisis — where over 82% if God’s children don’t have enough to eat.  

After working so hard all day trying to get that one cup of rice to share with her entire family, Isha doesn’t even have a comfortable place to sleep.  

Their living conditions are very poor, and they don’t have enough money to buy mosquito nets to protect themselves. Isha often gets sick with malaria.  

“We get malaria, and when you’re sick, nobody takes you to the hospital,” says Isha. “Back when our grandma was healthier, she used to try and seek help from kindhearted people. They used to give her money, and she would buy medicine for us, unlike now.  

You can fill the bowl of a hungry child — like Isha’s 2-year-old cousin Mariatu — with nutrient-rich food by giving generously to our Hunger Challenge to Save Lives today!

Around the world, severe hunger has doubled since 2020, making this one of the worst hunger crises we have seen. And making it impossible for families, like Isha’s, to get enough food to eat and for children, like her baby cousin, to grow and thrive.  

When you open your heart and share your love by giving to the 2025 Hunger Challenge, you are that guardian angel that God’s children in countries like Sierra Leone are praying for.  

You can help break the vicious cycle of poverty and hunger that keeps young girls like Isha and her sister from thriving.  

As Isha’s grandmother Kadiatu wisely says, “Food is life…” 

You can give the gift of life today. By sharing your blessings, you provide healthy food to families who go to bed hungry every night and share a meal that most of us use as a side dish.  

We can only help more families with your steadfast love and your generous gift to our 2025 Hunger Challenge to Save Lives.  

Please help today so children like Isha no longer have to spend their youth begging for just one cup of rice. Your gift to our 2025 Hunger Challenge before February 28 will save lives and deliver hope. On behalf of our hungriest neighbors, thank you for being Christ’s hands and feet in the world! 


Niki Clark, Jan 31, 2025 email

