Donate a Piglet

Donate a Piglet

Send love with a gift of a piglet

Little piglets grow into big pigs fast. That means that before long, a woman can raise your gift of Piglets into hogs she can use to generate much needed income for her family. Give the gift of Piglets today and smile, knowing that a family in need will have you to thank when their little piggies go to the market.

Piglets: the gift that keeps on giving

Piglets are a valuable source of income for a family living in poverty. For example, in Burkina Faso, a piglet can be sold for six times its value once raised to maturity. And with each donation, a family learns how to raise and support their new family members.

With the proper care instructions provided, a family can breed the piglets and either grow their herd, or sell them for extra income. The piglets sold then help another family and your gift continues to spread.

In addition to financial freedom, a donation of a pig can also provide much needed nourishment and protein to a family. So you are also freeing them from hunger and malnourishment.

Piglets keep on giving to families

  • The sale of piglets provides
    dependable income.

  • Piglets can provide freedom
    from poverty.

  • A pig provides much needed
    protein and nutrition.

  • Piglets are great companions
    to children.

Why piglets are the perfect gift?

Your gift can be the solution to pulling a family out from under the crushing burden of poverty and hunger. And with the passing on of piglets, your generosity has the power to uplift an entire community.

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