Overnight, Çağla Sağlam became a single mother of four children, with no home, food, water or income. Your love provided security and comfort in her darkest hours.  

They lost their loved ones and their home. You can keep their families safe.

  • Niki Clark
  • Sep 9, 2024

The news crews have long gone, and the headlines have faded. But thanks to your caring and compassionate heart, we’re still on the ground in Türkiye, helping families who desperately need our love to continue to recover and rebuild from earthquakes.  

Deniz Sila Beemsterboer, our humanitarian response coordinator, is on the front lines every day and sees your love in action. She reports: 

For earthquake survivors, life is dependent on the compassion of people like you. Your support is helping LWR and our local partners be agile and respond to changing needs in the field quickly.  

When others look away, your generosity keeps us standing alongside your neighbors for as long as they need us.  


Çağla Sağlam lost everything, including her husband, mother and pregnant sister when the earthquake struck. In an instant, she became a single mother of four children, with no home, food, water or income.  

I went to bed with all of them at night, and in the morning, they were gone.

As if the losses she suffered weren’t traumatic enough, looters also stole what little possessions she had lying in the rubble where her home once stood.  

They even stole her front door…yet your love opened a new one.  

Your generous gifts allowed Çağla and her children to move into a temporary shelter with their very own kitchen and working toilet. They now have a safe and secure roof over their heads and a dry place to sleep.  

Çağla and her youngest daughter Azra stand in their new kitchen, built with your compassion.

Imagine the great sense of relief Çağla felt when she walked into her new container home filled with everything her family needed, including beds, mattresses, furniture, dishes, pots and pans, a refrigerator, and even rugs and curtains.  

Your love did that! 


A 256-square foot container home may sound small to you and me. But for Çağla who has been living in a tent with her children and other family members for over a year — it’s everything.  

Sadly, there are so many families like Çağla’s who are still living in tents with very little food. And winter will be here before we know it.  

Your loving gift today will shelter these frightened families and give them hope for the future. You can help them rebuild their homes…and hearts.  


By sharing your blessings, you are acting as Christ’s hands and feet on Earth. Frightened homeless and hungry families can feel your love through every bit of nourishing food and every safe night of sleep.  

Thank you for your service to others, and for never forgetting our neighbors in need.  

Niki Clark, Sep 9, 2024 email

