Education is one of the strongest tools a community has for breaking the cycle of poverty.
Consider what happens when a family cannot afford school supplies for all of their children.
Or, consider a family who lost everything in a hurricane or other disaster. How can they prioritize what their children need for school when they're scrambling to find food and shelter?
Education is a critical tool to overcoming poverty
All the data shows that education is a critical piece of the puzzle for creating healthier, more prosperous futures for children— and especially for girls.
And did you know that returning children to school as soon as possible after a disaster reduces the long-term effects of trauma?
Education is hope and empowerment. You can help more children access it by making Lutheran World Relief School Kits!
Make School Kits for children in need
LWR School Kits contain essential supplies to help children — and in some cases, adults — continue learning in the face of serious obstacles. That learning leads to a better life for them, their families and their communities.
Making School Kits is easy, and it's a great service project for families, church groups, Vacation Bible School and other group activities. Learn more and access instructions for assembling, packing, shipping and tracking your kits at