Three children look into the camera.

The grandchildren of Jose Antonio Hercules, including 2-year-old Rosaura in pink, received a Lutheran World Relief food distribution with other hurricane-affected families near Choloma, Honduras. Photo by Gregg Brekke for LWR

Families in Honduras are going hungry as they rebuild after Eta and Iota. Will you help sustain them?

It's been a hard year for Rosaura. The 2-year-old cannot remember much about last fall when back-to-back hurricanes Eta and Iota battered her village in Honduras and washed away her grandfather's crops.

But today she knows she is hungry.

Rosaura's grandfather José Antonio Hercules was devastated that the storm surge ruined almost all of his cacao, palm and cane crops — the sole source of income for his family of nine people.

And he is not alone. Overnight, the storms destroyed jobs and income sources for thousands of farmers, day laborers and everyone else in the agriculture supply chain, the basis of the Honduran economy.

Many were already struggling to feed their families, and the massive storms washed away the last of their hope.

Help families in Honduras recover from disaster

When Eta and Iota first struck, your love reached Rosaura, José and their family through a delivery of emergency food, clean water, hygiene kits and other supplies like fast-growing bean seeds to help them through the worst of the crisis.

Over the last year, José planted a small plot of beans for his family to eat and sell, but it hasn’t been enough to carry them through the hardest time considering the scope of their losses. He has been working from sunup to sundown to clean up his land and restore his primary crops, but he says it will take at least two years for the new plants to produce a harvest.

Until then, José, Rosaura and their family are at serious risk of hunger and other challenges.

That's why your love and support is needed now —long after the news cameras have gone and the world's attention has faded. Families like José's are counting on the generosity of neighbors, like you, to help them stave off hunger and survive the pandemic.

Your kindness helps today and into the future

Your gift today will reach your most forsaken neighbors— those who were already poor and are now living through the aftermath of disasters— to help them build more sustainable futures.

Your gift will help deliver critically needed food, water, hygiene kits and more to help them weather the crisis. Then, you’ll also help them rebuild their lives and livelihoods, as well as prepare for and build resilience against the next possible disaster.

Thank you for embracing José and his family as your neighbors in Christ. Your love will ensure little Rosaura will have enough to eat today, tomorrow and as she continues to grow.

Until your love reaches every neighbor.


