A better tomorrow for our neighbors around the world is in your hands today! 

This New Year, make a resolution that lasts for generations to come

  • Niki Clark
  • Jan 1, 2024

With each new year, many of us focus on making a resolution — a personal commitment to in some way improve ourselves and our futures. But come February, many of these promises have already been broken. The gyms are once again populated only with the long-term fitness enthusiasts, and old habits take the front seat once again.

While our gym membership lapsed years ago, here at Lutheran World Relief, we take each new year to recommit to what matters most: Affirming God’s love for all people and working toward ending poverty, injustice and human suffering around the world.

What are you committing to this year? What matters the most to you? Did you know that resolving to create your legacy today can lead to a better future for not only your family and loved ones, but for generations to come?

Pastor Dave Wangaard, here with his wife, the Rev. Susan Tjornehoj, on their decision to leave a gift in their will to Lutheran World Relief.

I knew of no other organization that would help me leave a lasting footprint on the world so well.

Creating a will is the ultimate act of Christian stewardship. It protects you and your loved ones and directs what God has entrusted to your care. Creating a will also signifies a lasting commitment to your faith and values. It plants a footprint in the future to build a better tomorrow.

Now is the perfect time to take the next step toward having a will that truly reflects your wishes and values.

Here are three easy steps to get you started:

  1. If you don't have a will, make one. We've partnered with FreeWill to provide you with a way to create an online legal will in as little as 20 minutes at no cost to you.
  2. If you've remembered neighbors in need in your will through a gift to Lutheran World Relief, let us know. Please contact Lee Grant, our Planned Giving Manager, at @email.
  3. And if you're still deciding, let us help. Request our free Guide to Leaving a Gift in Your Will to help you discern your wishes and begin the process of creating a future that truly reflects your values.

As you reflect on your resolution this new year, I hope you consider using your legacy to renew and transform lives through the power of God’s love for generations to come. 

Together, we can build a future where everyone has the chance to flourish.

Niki Clark, Jan 1, 2024 email

